Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Third post today, usually I would go on in a rant about how I need to put everything all in one post but, not now. Because currently I am in a state of mere depression, not anything serious, just the oh-my-gosh-why-didnt-i-just-buy-them-when-i-saw-them-im-so-dumb-how-will-i-ever-forgive-myself sort of state.

So yes, I went back to the store looking for my jeans and well, they weren't there. Which isn't all too bad because I did leave with something, knowledge, here is what I sorted out on the car ride home... If you see something you cannot live without buy it. I do not mean everything. Something that you cannot find anywhere else and is superdy-duperdy-special. And if its something like $500.00 Christian Louboutins then, put them on layaway. I am not encouraging gluteny or anything I'm just implying it is okay to fall in love with a material object every once in a while.

p.s. I feel more inspired to sit down and write a thougtful post. So, expect more!

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